Town Meeting Warrant Article of the Day – Article 5: Amend General Bylaw- Article III, Section 75-5 Town Clerk Fees

As we ready for Town Meeting on May 16, 2023, the Town will be presenting information every day on different warrant articles.

The full warrant has not yet been finalized, but a full list of the articles can be found here:

Article 5: Amend General Bylaw- Article III, Section 75-5 Town Clerk Fees

The current bylaw is contradictory because it authorizes the Select Board to set the fees for the Town Clerk’s office, but also sets the fees within the bylaw.  This article is housekeeping to remove the fees from the article so they can be set in concert with the bylaw requirements.

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2022 Water Quality Report

North Andover Water is proud to present our annual water quality report to our residents. This report covers many topics of interest along with the results of tests performed from January 1 to December 31, 2022.

We are dedicated to producing drinking water that meets and surpasses all state and federal standards. It is always our utmost importance that we are delivering the highest quality drinking water to you. As new challenges to drinking water safety emerge, we remain vigilant in meeting the goals of source water protection, water conservation, and community education while continuing to serve the needs of all our water users. In our efforts to become more sustainable, this and all future water will be available on the town’s
website for review. A paper copy will be sent to anyone requesting one. If you would like a printed copy, or if you have any questions or comments regarding this report, please email Tiffany Furman, Lab Director, at or call us at (978) 688-9574.
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SC Negotiations Sub Committee Agenda-April 25

Please note the Massachusetts Secretary of State's office has determined that most emails to and from municipal offices and officials are public records. For more information please refer to:

Please consider the environment before printing this email.