Town Managers from @AndoverMaGov, @TownofDanvers and @North_Andover Compete in Census Challenge #2020Census #CensusChallenge @uscensusbureau

Town Managers from Andover, Danvers and North Andover Compete in Census Challenge


Andover Town Manager Andrew Flanagan, Danvers Town Manager Steve Bartha and North Andover Town Manager Melissa Murphy-Rodrigues have announced a “Census Challenge” between the three communities.


Residents in Andover, Danvers and North Andover are encouraged to complete their United States Census forms online, over the phone, or by mail. The Town Manager with the greatest percentage of self-responses will be treated to lunch from the Town Managers with the lower response rates. The Town Managers with the lower response rates will also volunteer to wash the dirtiest Public Works vehicle in the winning town.


In recent weeks, the U.S. Census Bureau has sent every household an invitation to complete a simple questionnaire about who lives at your address. You can respond online, by phone, or by mail. Federal law keeps those responses safe and secure. To complete the census online visit www.2020CENSUS.GOV.


“The Census can be a determining factor in the level of resources towns receive from the state and federal government, it takes only about five minutes of your time and can have a big impact for your community,” said Andover Town Manager Andrew Flanagan. “I am delighted to partner with colleagues in municipal government on promoting this important civic duty.”


“Danvers welcomes a friendly challenge from our neighboring communities. The bonus is that everyone, from business-owners to teachers, benefits from an accurate Census count,” said Danvers Town Manager Steve Bartha.


"I'm happy to join our fellow communities in a friendly wager," said North Andover Town Manager Melissa Rodrigues.  "The Census is a once in a decade opportunity to make a huge impact on funding for our community. I encourage us all to make certain that we are counted."

The census is a once-­every-decade count of everyone living in the country. It is required by the U.S. Constitution and significant to every community. The state and the federal government use census data to allocate to local communities funding for police, fire rescue, schools, and roads. Businesses also use the data to decide where to invest their resources. The census count also determines how seats in Congress are distributed among the 50 states.

Census Challenge.PDF

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New COVID-19 Business Impact Survey

Dear North Andover Business Community – 

The Town of North Andover is working with a regional coalition of economic development partners that has developed a new survey to help us understand how businesses are learning about new resources, whether they are able to effectively access them, and if there remain critical gaps for them beyond what the stimulus covers.  The learnings here will be vital in any subsequent resource creation and advocacy efforts to continue to support our small businesses.  Please access the survey below, fill it out, and share the links with your networks to ensure that the voices of our businesses continue to be central to this conversation. 





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It’s #CensusDay! Respond to the 2020 Federal Census and #BeCounted Today.

Recently, you should have received a letter from the U.S. Census Bureau, inviting you to go online to respond to the 2020 federal Census.

 The U.S. Census counts every person in the country every 10 years. The information gathered through the census is used to decide how much our communities get in state and federal money for things like public health, transportation, and education.

 The census is quick, easy, and important, and all of your answers are confidential.

 Please visit and be counted today.

