Revised Cyr Recycle Center Schedule and Leaf/Yard Waste Collection

Revised Cyr Recycle Center Schedule and Leaf/Yard Waste Collection

To assist residents with fall clean-ups, we have expanded the open schedule for Cyr Recycle Center.  The new schedule will be as follows:

8:00 am to 3:00 pm on Open Days

Week of November 12th – Open Tuesday through Saturday
Week of November 19th – Open Monday through Wednesday and Saturday (closed Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving Holiday)
Week of November 26th – Open Monday through Saturday
Week of December 3rd – Open Monday through Saturday

We will also extend leaf bag collection an extra week.  Leaf bags will be collected during the week of November 26th along with bundled brush.  Just a reminder, please have all leaf bags and brush curbside at the beginning of the week as collection does not follow the trash/recycle schedule.

revised fall schedule

Missed Trash Collection – Week of November 12th

For those residents that trash pickup was missed on Monday, the contractor is continuing with both the Monday and Tuesday trash routes today.  This may present additional delays in pickup during the rest of the week. 

Residents are asked to place their trash/recycling out following the normal weekly schedule while we work to catch up on all missed collections.

The contractor will be back each day to continue any route missed the previous day.

trash update