Curbside Leaf Pick Up ends next week. Check out these reminders so you don’t miss out! #NATrashTalkTuesday

The week of November 12th is the last week for 2018 Curbside Leaf Pick Up.
The Truck will be on your street ONCE each week (any day, not necessarily on trash day)
Leaves must be in PAPER BAGS ONLY!  (Leaves only, please)
Place curbside on Sunday night
Rain or shine, leave them out and they will be picked up.

Bundled/Tied Up Branches will be picked up ONLY the week of November 26, 2018

Bundles must be tied
Bundles cannot weigh more than 50lbs
Branches cannot be over 4ft long or 6 inches around

The CYR CENTER will be open regular hours EVERY DAY except Sunday, the week of December 3rd.